String Theory

There are just six guitar strings, but they produce millions of sounds based on how you vibrate them. That is essentially what string theory is. We know that there are atoms inside molecules, with protons and neutrons and electrons inside them, and even inside these are quarks and leptons. 

What string theory says is that these quarks are made of one-dimensional strings. When a string vibrates at a certain frequency, it makes quarks. When it vibrates at another frequency, it creates photons. So basically, it says that everything in the universe is made of these tiny strings that vibrate at different frequencies, that everything is connected. 

This connection was also extended to quantum physics and general relativity. And if you've not seen the post about the theory of everything, any theory that has the potential to merge quantum mechanics and general relativity, is a candidate for a theory of everything.
Could string theory be the theory of everything? Umm I don't know, there's a slight issue. But let's save that mystery for the next post.


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