Baryon Asymmetry


The astrophysical domain is filled with mysteries and conundrums. One such leading unknown in today's world is the problem of Baryon Asymmetry. 

Let's simplify it- Baryonic matter is matter made up of protons and neutrons, basically everything that you see is baryonic matter, including you. And as you know, all of it has come from the Big Bang. Now, when the big bang occurred and particle creation followed, everything was made in pairs. For example, a positive charge would be born with a negative charge by its side, and they would collide and annihilate. These were particle-antiparticle pairs, the most famous of which are our dear protons and electrons.

In the same way, matter creation was balanced by anti-matter creation, and they would collide and destroy each other, leaving just pure energy as a leftover. But see around yourself now, there is only and only matter everywhere. Why did this "asymmetry" happen? If antiparticles would instantly kill the matter particles, how is it that anything in the universe exists? 

Did the laws of physics change for a jiffy, thus opposing special relativity? Did they even exist for matter-antimatter pairs? As of now, there is no consensus theory to explain this fortunate (or keeping in mind 2020, unfortunate?) phenomena. 


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