The Multiverse


In the last blog, you read about quantum superpositioning and Schrodinger's cat. The multiverse hypothesis is an application of that thought experiment. 

This theory says that each time there are two possibilities of anything, two universes are born. One in which option A takes place, and one in which option B occurs. This is mind-boggling. So each time you're confused between ordering pizza or ordering dumplings, many branches of a parallel universe are born. One in which you ate pizza, one with dumplings, and the best one with both of them.

There might be a universe where Shakespeare was a circus clown, or where Hitler was a babysitter, or where electrons never formed. So this way, there are infinite daughter universes that branch away every second. I know this all seems too fictional and too marvel movie plotline but it is in fact a theory that has caught a lot of attention from scientists and amateurs because of how infinitely complex it is.


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